Friday, September 23, 2005

My Tunnel Road Conflict

It seems like only a few months ago that my family stood before our friends on Purim and sang "tunnel road take me home" (to the tune of country road) as part of our purim shpiel. Well now tunnel road does take me home to the place where I belong, it also takes me to Jerusalem, the other place we belong and where we do most of our errands and shopping. There is nothing, nothing like driving through the judean hills, windows down, because the weather out here is so pleasant, music playing (sometimes kids fighting)!!! Just before the tunnels, there is an army checkpoint! Here you slow down , go over some bumpy road, the young handsome jewish soldier looks in your window and either waves you through or sends you over to the side. I always get waved through. I always watch the Palestinian license plates get pulled over, always , they of course have to get checked. I would also hate me if I were them, I think to myself. They can't just hop into Jerusalem like I can, they always get pulled over at the machsom( checkpoint). Then I look at the faces of the young soldiers doing the pulling over and checking and I get so angry......why do these young boys have to put themselves at risk to search these people and cars? Why, why, WHY? They pull those cars over because there is a risk that these cars, buses or someone in them may be heading somewhere to do harm. As you all know, and sometimes the world knows, there is a history of blowing oneself up in order to do harm or achieve....well I don't know what it or what they think it achieves....but the basis to search the cars and the people is not unfounded. So then, I get angry that the young soldiers really have no choice but to pull over the greater population of those who commit these murders, which then only makes the greater population feel more hatred toward us. Do they know, we have no choice?
In the meantime, every time I drive into town (when I drive into town, I drive into Jerusalem..wild!), I go through this major debate and back and forth inside my head. So much for a relaxing , carefree drive, there isn't too much you can do here that is really carefree...even a simple drive becomes a major introspection. I don't really come to any conclusions, right now I don't think there are any. I pass through the tunnels , turn my music louder and watch for Jerusalem to come into view. What a Z'chut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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